Yoko Beverly Hills

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Mottainai Life Style

Mottainai is a ceuturies-old Japanese philosophy that embraces the idea of respecting resources and their value while also reducing waste. Its origin is derived from two words - ‘mottai- (importance or sanctity) and ‘nai’ - (lack of something), together they form the expression ‘What a waste’, or ‘Don’t be wasteful’.

Acts of Mottainai can range from everyday household practices like reducing water waste and reusing delicate washi paper for gift wrapping to art form such as using old kimonos to make fans, chopstick holders and scarves etc. One of the most beautiful and ingenious acts of Mottainai is Kintsugi (see the picture above). In Kintsugi, lacquer sprinkled with powdered goldis used to repair broken pottery, turning the scars into a thing of beauty, showcased the scars rather than hiding them.

The term of Mottainai has been used by environmentalists as well. Mottainai 3 R’s - Recycle, Reduce, and Reuse. We live by these 3 R’s when it comes to upcycling and repurposing beautiful kimono fabrics. We would feel very ‘Mottainai,’ and can’t just toss them away! Please check our Mottainai beautiful high end fabrics at Yoko Beverly Hills.